urinary irritation symptoms

美 [ˈjʊrɪneri ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn ˈsɪmptəmz]英 [ˈjʊərɪnəri ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn ˈsɪmptəmz]
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urinary irritation symptomsurinary irritation symptoms
  1. Results : ( 1 ) Clinical manifestations : there were only 39.7 % patients have obvious urinary irritation symptoms .


  2. [ Results ] The most common chief complaints are urinary irritation symptoms and hematuria ( 42 % and 50 % respectively ) .


  3. But the painless urethral catheterization which use of 2 % lidocaine hydrochloride twice in process of operation , it not only shows the effect significantly in alleviating pain and reduce the urinary mucosa damage , but also effective alleviate the urinary irritation symptoms .
